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Friday, October 23, 2009


Many people take their skin for granted. The skin has several basic needs. First, it needs to be kept as clean as possible. Second, the skin needs to be protected from sunlight and other environmental insults. The skin of the face needs even more attention than the rest of the body because the face has more oil glands, especially the central forehead, eye areas, nose and chin. One needs to perform a brief morning regimen for the facial skin and a longer regimen before going to bed. Once you have your skin care regimen down, it will only take five to ten minutes a day.

Morning Facial Care:
In the morning you should clean your face with luke-warm water and a creamy cleanser or purifying gel wash. Avoid bar soap because this strips the natural moisturizing factors from the skin, leaving it feeling very tight and dry. Do not rub the skin dry. Instead, blot it gently with a towel. Your morning facial care can be done in the shower or at the sink.

Next, you should tone the skin on the face. Toning the skin helps remove any residual cleanser or make-up that may have been left behind. A toner also helps restore the natural pH level of the skin, leaves your skin clean, clear and ready to be hydrated.

Next, apply a moisturizer or day cream which should be specialized to your skin type. A moisturizer leaves the skin feeling softer and smoother. It also helps smooth away fine lines and dryness. A sunscreen can be applied on top of the moisturizer.

Next, apply your make-up (if you choose to wear make-up). Your foundation should match your skin tone. Never use a darker foundation than your skin tone; it should look natural.

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