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Sunday, October 11, 2009

How to treat sun burns

Nowadays, the sun exposure creates more and more problems. Due to the climatic changes and to the lay of o-zone diminish, the solar radiations affect more intensive the skin and body.

In this case, let’s see some tips which will help us treat the sun burns:

The most important, the burned skin doesn’t have to be exposed to the sun for 3-4 days;

For the sun burns on the eye lid you should put some compresses made of cold wild camomile infusion or watercress. You can also use the cold little infusion envelopes;

Take some medicines which can calm down any inflammations;

Use a spray containing aloe vera. Keep it at the fridge and use it any time you feel the need;

Sleep on silk or cotton bed sheets. It will diminish the pains caused by the burns;

Use retinol creams which will increase the rhythm of skin regeneration;

Use cold compresses. You can dilute jar of milk in a liter of water, moisten some towels in the mixture and use them as compresses. They will be replaced any time they get warm;

Smear your skin with yogurt, let it work for 20 minutes and wash it out with cold water. Repeat the action every 3 hours;

Bath yourself with warm water, where you put bicarbonate. You can put a jar of bicarbonate in a bath tub full of water. The bath can last for 15-20 minutes, afterwards you can wipe the skin with a soft towel. While the skin is still damp, you should powder it with maize and smear it with olive oil;

The ice cubs will be placed only on the burns in order to calm the unpleasant sensation.

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