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Sunday, December 6, 2009

winter skin care

Winter is just not about warm clothes, fireside reading, snuggling close to the pillows wrapped from head to toe with a comfy quilt. It is time to battle the cold winds that hampers your body and hair. A little care will keep the wintry troubles at bay.
Your skin texture depends not only on external treatments, but also on the intake. A proper nutritious intake helps in rejuvenating the skin from within. Water plays an important role in keeping your skin alive. A good amount of water helps in retaining the moisture of your skin as well keeping skin disorders at bay. Fruits and vegetables in your daily diet release a lot of water to your system. Primrose syrup and olive oil in your diet also aids in softening your skin.
Use the paste of ground green gram powder instead of soap to work your way to a soft and supple skin.
Pamper you skin with a little coconut oil before bath to heal dryness and chaps. Use a creamy soap that renders that extra suppleness to your skin.
Moisturizers and cold creams are a must in the winters. Apply some good cold cream on your face before going to bed. Moisten your skin with a good moisturizer or a creamy hand and body lotion. Add a few drops of oil to the water that you are using to bath. This will help retain the moisture lost when bathing. Avoid using very hot water during winter as it can decrease the natural oils of your skin. Instead shorten your bath time.

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