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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Why do designers do fashion shows ?

A fashion show is an event put on by a fashion designer to showcase his or her upcoming line of clothing. In a typical fashion show, models walk the catwalk dressed in the clothing created by the designer. Occasionally, fashion shows take the form of installations, where the models are static, standing or sitting in a constructed environment. The order in which each model walks out wearing a specific outfit is usually planned in accordance to the statement that the designer wants to make about his or her collection. The way that each outfit is presented on the catwalk isn't necessarily the way the designer is trying to make people wear his or her creations in everyday life. In this instances, this is more of an intellectual/artistic construction of the designer for the same purpose of making a statement or presenting a particular idea. It is then up to the audience to not only try to understand what the designer is trying to say by the way the collection is being presented, but to also visually de-construct each outfit and try to appreciate the detail and craftsmanship of every single piece. A wide range of contemporary designers tend to produce their shows as theatrical productions with elaborate sets and added elements such as live music or a variety of technological component like holograms, for example.

What is haute couture ?

Haute couture is made to order for a specific customer, and it is usually made from high-quality, expensive fabric and sewn with extreme attention to detail and finish, often using time-consuming, hand-executed techniques. Couture is a common abbreviation of Haute Couture, which refers to the same thing in spirit.
It originally referred to Englishman
Charles Frederick Worth's work, produced in Paris in the mid-nineteenth century. In modern France, haute couture is a "protected name" that can be used only by firms that meet certain well-defined standards. However, the term is also used loosely to describe all high-fashion custom-fitted clothing, whether it is produced in Paris or in other fashion capitals such as Milan, London, Rome, New York and Tokyo.
The term can refer to:
the fashion houses or
fashion designers that create exclusive and often trend-setting fashions
the fashions created

Monday, September 28, 2009

What women can wear before coming to India

Buy a 'Salwar Kameez'. It's a dress-with-pants-and-shirt without buttons and a small shawl, worn by Muslim women, but also by Hindu women. The shawl can be draped around you shoulders and across your chest, saves you some stares, or used as a headdress if you go into temples or mosques. As almost all women in India wear either a Saree or a Salwar Kameez you will be regarded well as you are dressing appropriately. Wearing jeans and a shirt is okay for travelling, but only for that. You can buy a Salwar almost anywhere but the best way to have one that suits you is to buy some cloth at a store and then go to a tailor and have it made for you.


Scope for a Career in Fashion designing :-A trained fashion designer can work in areas like designer wear production, planning and concept management, fashion marketing, design production management, fashion media, quality control, fashion accessory design and promotion of brands. You will also find jobs as costume designer, fashion consultant, personal stylist, technical designer, graphic designer, production pattern maker, fashion coordinator, apparel production manager, fabric buyer, fabric quality control manager, show room sales representative, illustrator, cutting assistant and outside sales representative in this industry. Those interested in a career in fashion designing can also become entrepreneurs and form their own companies.

Fashion Designing

Career in Fashion Designing :-Fashion designing is one of the most exciting career options in today's world. It is needless to say that in a country like India, where textile and garment industries have been thriving for ages, the recent boom in fashion designing has led to innovation and new prospects in the existing domain of garment and accessory design. If you have a penchant for creativity, style and originality, a career in fashion designing can be perfect for you. On one hand, the fashion industry satisfies both the creative fancies and the materialistic needs of the people, on the other hand it promises glamour, fame, success and high pay packages to the talented people. However, it is also a demanding career, as fashion designers need to combine their creativity with managerial skills to sustain in this industry. Thus, if you can create magic with colors, designs and shapes, just acquire apt professional skills to begin a successful career in Fashion Designing